Friday, July 9, 2010

Update 1

1) [END] MSI Wind U100 -

My MSI Wind U100 finally kicked the bucket in late April 2010. I have taken it apart and kept the HDD, lcd screen, wifi card, bluetooth module, touchpad, RAM, and touchscreen controller and panel for future hardware hacking.

2) Summer 2010 Gadget Modding Projects -

Electrical components for my summer gadget modding projects sadly did not make it during my trip back home. I was traveling back home when I was faced with much concern over the suspicious looking contents of my hand carry luggage. I had last minute packed all my electrical components in my hand carry luggage, which showed up clearly in the airport security x-ray and gave quite a scare to the airport personnel. Thankfully, I was allowed through, but only after much explaining and waiting. I figured it would be best to just leave behind my gear in the next layover to prevent further ado, and so bequeathed my electronic components to the airport trashcan. :( I figured more airport scans of my luggage would just yield to more delay. Sadly, I no longer have my electrical components for my summer modding projects, which included my arduino decimilia and microchip on a breadboard.


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