Friday, July 30, 2010


I have been busy learning Javascript this past summer in my attempt to produce an app for Palm Pre's WebOS. I was originally interested in writing an app to view pdf files. I came across some good javascript based pdf viewers like ThinDoc built on Atalasoft AJAX.

I was planning out how to write the pdf viewing app when I came across JQuery and Flot. Seeing the potential of Flot, I decided it would be nice to make a graphing calculator app instead. I have been working on the javascript code for the GraphCalc App, but will still need more time to port it to WebOS. I will most likely finish it in a year's time, just writing it in my free time, as classes will be starting soon this Fall.

I've been using Javascript and AJAX by Negrino and Smith to help out with the basic javasript programming, such adding forms and working with arrays.


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