Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nikola Tesla

I have lately been interested in the work of Nikola Tesla. I had researched into the work done by Nikola Tesla concerning electricity and was fascinated by his work in the wireless transmission of energy.

In Tesla's patent for the "Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Mediums", I found it quite impressive that he had thought of using the earth has an oscillating medium for which to transmit electricity back in 1905.

I would think it possible in theory to cause the surface of the earth to oscillate similar to a standing wave if the right frequency was sent into the ground. Energy could then be recovered in the oscillation between two nodes, as described in the receiving mechanism in his patent. However, this form of transmitting energy could have adverse effects on the the earth's plate tectonics. For instance, earthquakes could be triggered in areas with close proximity to fault lines or unconsolidated soil could vibrate and loss its integrity similar to the process of earthquake liquefaction.

Some of the research done by Nikola Tesla had been shrouded in mystery, leading to many pseudosciences and even claims of perpetual motion machines, which is can be found littered all over the internet. However, it would be fascinating to look at the fundamental nature of electricity and matter while keeping in mind the inventions of Nikola Tesla.

When looking at frequency and the dual nature of light and matter, one could say that the lever acts on the particle nature of matter, while the resonance frequency acts on the wave nature of matter.

Further reading:
Tesla's Patent†
Tesla in Wikipedia
Tesla's Big Mistake?


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