Sunday, December 27, 2009

Speaker Mod

Added a pair of tiny speakers to the bottom of the MSI Wind screen.

I figured I could easily attach a pair of speakers to the existing ones since the audio signal is analog.

Basically I took a pair of used earphones and opened them up to get to the tiny speakers inside. Cut off each speaker with the wires still attached and soldered each end to the main board where the computer speakers connect.

After soldering each speaker, it was all a matter of wiring the speakers to the bottom of the screen frame.

Tested the speakers before screwing the bezel back on. Sound reproduction was quite good for their size. They sounded a tiny bit weak when I replaced the bezel, so I melted some holes through the plastic frame by using the hot soldering rod to heat a small pin which I pushed through the frame.

The speakers sounded nice at low volume, but at a high volume they couldn't handle the bass and would give off a static sound. It should be fine since I only need them for soft music playback.

Thinking of adding next a dip switch for the small speakers and internal usb controller.

Ok, hope you all had a Merry Christmas!


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