Tuesday, December 22, 2009

MSI Wind U100

I bought the MSI Wind U100 as an auxiliary laptop. I originally had no intentions of modifying it until I first tried installing a touchscreen. Since then I've been modding it and other gadgets for the fun of it.

I have so far added the following:

1) Touchscreen panel (obtained the plastic type for better reliability)
2) Usb controller with space for 3 more usb devices
3) Dual boot - Windows XP and Windows 7 Pro

I have been working out the touchscreen interface on Windows 7. The OS accepts the touchscreen as an input device and I can successfully log in using the on-screen keyboard. However, the windows calibration is slightly off. Windows XP runs much better with the touchscreen and touch registers immediately.

Some plans I have are to include an internal usb GPS, HSDPA broadband modem, or radio. I still am deciding on the best hardware to use and thinking of better mods to add.


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