Monday, April 19, 2010

Nikon D3000

Latest addition to my gadget arsenal is the Nikon D3000. I wanted to get into photography with a simple starter dlsr and chose the Nikon D3000 for it's size and ruggedness. The camera has performed fairly well, as I have used it for the past few months and experimented taking photos in different lighting conditions.

I purchased the Nikon D3000 a few months ago while on sale from Newegg and have been buying some accessories for it. I have purchased the wireless remote ML-L3 and the hood HB-45 for the kit lens, but I haven't had the time to test them out in the field. I will most likely get to use then later on during summer break.

I have taken some night-time and dusk shot which I have up on flickr. I don't really use flickr often, so I only have a few photos posted.

I'm generally interested in landscape, night-time, and macro photography. It would be nice to get into full-time macro photography, but most dedicated macro lens are quite expensive. Thus far I have been practicing photography by taking close-up shots of mosses along the forest trails nearby and landscape shots of the changing seasons.


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