Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thumbwin - thumbnails for xp


Thumbwin is a free software that enables you to add small thumbnails of minimized windows in your desktop. It's a cool little app for arranging your open browsers and is fun to use with a touch screen.

It's an old app that I installed from a while ago. I haven't been using it much, but it helps out in organizing your open browsers.

Thumbwin can be downloaded directly from the creator's website at:

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

SparkFun Free Day!

SparkFun will be holding a "free day" on January 7, 2010 starting from 9:00 am MST. It looks to be quite exciting as they are offering $100 worth of free items for anyone purchasing using their paypal account or credit. The "free day" will go from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm MST, or until 100K worth of free items have been given away.

Hoping to get into the action so I'll be setting my alarm clock for 10:00 am here in Maine. It looks like a lot of people have taken note and there is now a countdown banner on their website in preparation for "Free Day".

Head over to their site for more details at: SparkFun Electronics

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